Cost of Dental Implants

“The cost for All-on-X dental implants can vary depending on the provider and specific treatment plan. At Gentle Dental Care (GDC), we understand that cost is an important consideration when choosing dental care. While the exact price of All-on-X implants can vary, we are committed to offering competitive pricing and flexible payment options to make this advanced dental solution accessible to our patients.

If you require multiple implants or additional procedures such as bridges and prosthetics as part of the All-on-X treatment, the overall cost can add up. To address this concern, we are pleased to introduce a special offer for All-on-X dental implants at GDC which starts at $13000 per arch. This comprehensive package includes the necessary implants, abutments, and prosthetics, providing you with a complete and durable solution for restoring your smile.

Before proceeding with an All-on-X dental implant procedure, it’s essential to determine if you’re a suitable candidate. Not everyone may be eligible for All-on-X implants, and we offer a complimentary consultation at our Lorton and Sterling offices to assess your specific needs and discuss treatment options. Our goal is to ensure that you achieve a healthy, functional, and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Investing in All-on-X dental implants offers numerous benefits, including improved chewing ability, enhanced aesthetics, and increased confidence. While the initial cost may seem significant, the long-term advantages and quality of life improvements make it a worthwhile investment in your oral health and overall well-being.

At GDC, we believe that exceptional dental care should be accessible without compromising on quality or affordability. To learn more about All-on-X dental implants and determine if they are the right solution for you, schedule a complimentary consultation at Gentle Dental Care in Lorton or Sterling, Virginia. Contact us today at 703-495-9992 and take the first step toward achieving a beautiful and functional smile.”
